Tulips & Daffodils


Tulip & Daffodil bulbs provide a classic welcome to spring with tried and tested varieties sure to please.

Who: Your school or group can raise funds by selling Tulip & Daffodil bulbs to “Keep Texas Beautiful” or the state of your choice!

What: Bold red Tulips or classic yellow Daffodils (each packed 50 bulbs per bag.) Full color tags with planting instructions included.

When: Complete your Tulip & Daffodil bulb sales so that you can submit your order, by the first week of October. (Cutoff for order additions is 2 weeks prior to scheduled delivery week.)

Ship: Delivered directly to you at your designated location. Orders of 25 bags or more get a free ride!

How: Request order forms and then sell, sell, sell! (We suggest you gather payment as you go.) After delivery is completed – an invoice will be sent/emailed with payment due within 10 days.

Tulip & Daffodil Bulb Schedule 2025

Request Forms: week of August 25th

Suggested Sale Range: September 1st - September 19th

Order Return: week of September 22nd

Ship (you select date): October 6th - October 24th